Olympic 2008 Opening Ceremony
The 2008 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, was held in Beijing, China from 8 August 2008 through 24 August 2008, with the opening ceremony to take place at 08:08pm. (The number 8 is associated with prosperity in Chinese culture.)
Now ascendant as a world power, China welcomed the results of world leaders at the opening ceremony, followed by 91000 people in the eye, capture the national stadium and a potential audience of 4 billion people. He is represented as larger, more expensive in the bottom of Olympic history, bookended by some dams 30000 fireworks.
As the ceremony got under way with a dramatic, drummed countdown, viewers watching at home and on giant screens inside the Bird's Nest National Stadium watched as a series of giant footprints outlined in fireworks processed gloriously above the city from Tiananmen Square.

11:09 PM | Labels: beijing 2008, Beijing Opening Ceremony, olympic 2008 | 0 Comments
Olympic Opening Ceremony Video @2@
~Posted by Sera~
"As a foreigner living in China for the past 2 years, I must say to all of you that left some racist comments about China. If you live in the "western country", then you do not know freedom, unless you are over 80 years old. Today western countries are not all the they were designed to be. China is the freest place that I have ever been. They do not have army's of police generating revenue to hire more police. They do not have excessive taxes to fund wars in other parts of the globe for oil. In fact they do not care what you do here as long as you do not harm others. Is that not the definition of freedom?
Now thats real freedom. If you think that driving your SUV, paying crazy amounts of tax, and subjecting yourself to random searches is freedom. then I would advise you to look up the meaning of the word. After 9-11 in the USA is more like a communist country than China in many aspects.
China has come a long way, you may not agree with some of the policies on Tibet, and Taiwan. However it is not affecting you in anyway. Many people are quick to criticize what they do not understand. I only wish that half of the "China Haters" would feel half as passionate about your own countries invading foreign countries for oil. If that happened we would have a better world.
China has earned their moment in the spotlight. In earning this right they thought that they would show the world their gratitude for the honor. Please give them the chance to have that honor and appreciate it for what it is. The Olympics are supposed to be a NON-POLITICAL event, lets leave it just as that...athletes competing for medals. It is nothing more just that."
I recently relocated to Shanghai China for work last year from the US and I can now say that have truly experienced 2 amazing life changing events! The Memorial Day after the Sichuan Earthquake and now the Grand Olympic Opening!
"One World One Dream" If only the world now could reflect the essence and the universal values of the Olympic spirit -- Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation and Dream!"
~Posted by Chopsocky~
11:08 PM | Labels: Beijing Opening Ceremony | 0 Comments
Olympic Opening Ceremony Video @1@
Awesome and wonderful performances from Beijing Olympic 2008 Opening Ceremony.
"This is the first time that the chinese character could be found in Olympics
i m thrilling when i watched the ceremony.
i love my motherland,china.
we chinese love the whole world.
welcome to china!"
"I, a Chinese citizen, now working and living overseas, yesterday, was sooooo much relieved and absolutely thrilled by the opening ceremony, as before it started I wasn't sure if China is gonna delivery anything up to our over-too-high expectation and amaze the world...
Now I have to say I'm sooooo proud for the very original scenes like "footprint fireworks of history" across the city, the presentation of Chinese characters and printing, as well as the way the olympic cauldron was lit up by the famous gymnast Li Ning running up high at the rim of birds nest...with all the unveilled scroll and musical effects along....
It was fantastic...like dream...I'm also touched by the truly heartfelt comments and appreciation...thanks to Olympics, brings us all together~~"
"I'm a Chinese and I'm really proud of my country. There is no doubt that these are still a lot of poor people in China, but every country has poor people. We are trying our best to make our country better, and the Olympic game is a big opportunity. Maybe someone thought the ceremony is amazing, maybe someone thought it's boring, that's okay, because we know we can't make everyone satisfied. The most important thing is the game began, so enjoy yourself."
~Posted by Bill Lee~
11:08 PM | Labels: Beijing Opening Ceremony | 0 Comments
Beijing Olympic Nice Shot Collection @4@
"As one Chinese, happen to see this link....Just went through all the comments here. Thanks these photographers, you record the real China. The ceremony is true, the last one about the worker family is true. For the ceremony, it is execting though with regret. For the last one, yeah, in China, we still have many families like this. In the remote country, and some worker families in city. Just like when I traveled to Atlanta at 2003, what I saw in the downtown, not far away from CNN. But can you say this is real American? I think the answer is yes, this is the real world, but only pat of it. You can understand what I way to say... Chinese people contribute to the world, meanwhile, learn from the world, and develop the country. Hope you can enjoy the games in the coming days."
~Posted by Lily Zhao~
"I am a Canadian girl who has been living in china for 8 years. I lived in the suburbs when they announced the games to be held and when I heard the continuing fireworks outside celebrating their victory cried my tears of joy along with them. It has been an amazing buildup here in china waiting for the magic of the opening of the games, and we will all remember the huge clocks scattered around the city counting down to the minute of the opening ceremonies. The biggest dream has come true for all Chinese, to offer the world a show that is truly spectacular, one to be proud of and remember for generations to come. This is china, diverse and beautiful. On behalf of the Chinese people I would like to thank you all for your heartfelt appreciation and love."

11:07 PM | Labels: Beijing Opening Ceremony | 0 Comments
Beijing Olympic Nice Shot Collection @3@
"Hey, I'm Chinese and I watched the Openning Ceremony last night. It surely was fantastic and impressive. But guess what, none of my friends who watched the ceremony thought this so-called unprecedented pageant really brought out the best of our civilization and we blamed ZhangYimou for that because he produced too many hollywoodized movies. Foreign friends should have been familiar with his MO already. In a word, he would not suprise the world.
Belive me, we have a lot more than the splashes of shapes and colors showcased in such a single occasion to offer you. And we welcome you, not only to Beijing, but to the resurgent China with proud and joy to share!"
~ Posted by Betty Chen~
"It was a ridiculously expensive, over-the-top show to stage-- but DAMN if it wasn't gorgeous. As beautiful as these pictures are, they really don't capture a lot of the motion and more importantly the spirit I felt when I was watching the games.
Watching the opening for the Olympic games in Beijing showed me a nation fiercely proud of its people and its history. The smiles on a lot of those performer's faces wasn't just for showmanship's sake. (The moving boxes thing was amazing, if only for the coordination involved.)
The only thing that made for headscratching was Sarah Brightman, at least for me."

11:07 PM | Labels: Beijing Opening Ceremony | 0 Comments
Beijing Olympic Nice Shot Collection @2@
"As one Chinese, happen to see this link....Just went through all the comments here. Thanks these photographers, you record the real China. The ceremony is true, the last one about the worker family is true. For the ceremony, it is execting though with regret. For the last one, yeah, in China, we still have many families like this. In the remote country, and some worker families in city. Just like when I traveled to Atlanta at 2003, what I saw in the downtown, not far away from CNN. But can you say this is real American? I think the answer is yes, this is the real world, but only pat of it. You can understand what I way to say... Chinese people contribute to the world, meanwhile, learn from the world, and develop the country. Hope you can enjoy the games in the coming days."

"Thanks you chinese people!!!!, your effort and love in doing things so amazing.
I think it will be very difficult to surpass them. These photos are spectacular, but they could not be pictured if chinese were not there giving the best of them, to the rest of the world, that is what I felt today.
Love you...!!!!
When you feel things with your heart and not with resentment of any kind, then may be, we can have a better world for all. What chinese people gave us today was love."
"Awesome, I just watched the final fireworks about three minutes ago and you've got the goods. Well done..."

11:07 PM | Labels: Beijing Opening Ceremony | 0 Comments
"I'm a Chinese and I watched the ceremony live in a bar with my friends last night. It was an exciting night indeed. However, I still don't think that the ceremony is good enough because it's tooooooo Zhang Yimou. I don't like his style for he always distorts Chinese people's image just to get attention from western countries and make his movies popular among you.
China now is a country mixed with historical and mordern elements. It's much richer and colorful than what you can see from Zhang's products. Just come to China and take a look. We have poor people just as you do in your countries, as what you can see from the picture. But just use your logic to think, if everyone lives in such a condition, then who lives in the tall buildings"